December 2020


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My experience around the holidays in the last two years dealing with a chronic illness have made me a little more aware of my output. it almost feels safer and more comforting to be by myself even though it can be very lonely. I’ve been very mindful of what I want to do and giving myself the gift of choosing where I want to be, who I want to be with, how long, instead of being obligated to see family. In the last couple of years I’ve been really enjoying spending New Year's Eve by myself. New Year's Day is very sacred for me. It’s about setting intentions and getting in touch with my body and finding gratitude. - Unfixed member Sofia Krasteva

Our Unfixed Holidays

The year is coming to a close. In the silence, perhaps we can hear a collective sigh. Not so much a sigh of relief as a unified exhale, a laying down of arms, disappointment, heartache and heaviness. Just as trees cyclically lay down their verdant promise, eventually to be buried under snow and winter rain, in this season we, too, are asked to let go. Pause. Allow the darkness to be a welcome and necessary friend. Hope will arrive, but it's not time. The natural retreat of this season mirrors so much of the Unfixed life and the many ways our bodies have pulled us into a solitude and reflection that is often saved for the "later years of life." We're learning to embrace our own rhythms, question our conditioning, tend to our deepest longings. And often that means our lives look very different than what society expects from us. Our pace is slower. Our tables may be more empty and our calendars uncluttered with holiday obligations but what arises from the silence is the clarity our own unique voice.


Over the course of this entire year, our Unfixed participants have been exploring these voices. Refining them through honest self-reflection and courageous sharing. Eleven months ago, I thought we'd be nearing the end of our journey together but it's become very clear that we've only just begun. The process of sharing and also the act of listening is transforming us into more inclusive, more radiant expressions of what it means to be human. 

Thank you to all of our devoted readers, listeners and viewers this year. Your attentive willingness to be present and open your minds and hearts to our stories has been an act of radical and necessary compassion. Not turning away from the pain and the challenges of living with chronic conditions has helped stoke the inner radiance that is alive and well in all of us, even during the darkest of seasons.

So without further ado, enjoy Our Unfixed Holiday as you relax into yours. True to the diversity we have heard all along, this video is abundant with opposites - merriment and conflict, family and solitude. We even have a little Elvis impersonation for you. 


The Unfixed Podcast: Episode 3 - Airing January 1st!


Want to start 2021 with a smile? Unfixed and Beyond My Battle have a new podcast episode airing on January 1st!

After being diagnosed with transverse myelitis, CEO of the Argosy Foundation, Jeneye Abele, turned to comedy as a lifeline while adapting to the unpredictable and demanding nature of her medical condition. Like a magic pill, she finds laughter helps her transcend physical discomfort. In this episode, she talks with Dr. Joel Goodman, Founder and Director of the HUMOR Project, about how laughter can help carry us through the most difficult times. Together, they reflect on how an attitude of humor doesn't mean you have to be a comedian. The simple act of choosing to laugh at ourselves and see things with childlike curiosity and light-heartedness can give us perspective on otherwise overwhelming situations. Positive humor connects us, builds confidence and makes us think about our shared humanity. And bonus, it just feels darn good to laugh.

We wish you and yours safety, connection and peace as this year closes. If you have topics you'd like our Unfixed Community to address in the year ahead, please drop us a note. We'd love to hear from you. Looking forward to all the conversations that 2021 will bring.

Kimberly Warner

kimberly warner