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un·fixed /ˌənˈfikst/


1. not fixed in a definite place or position; free, flexible

2. unresolved and variable

3. not fixed but far from broken

4. when broken is the fix

Unfixed is a multi-media production company that shares and elevates stories of humans living with chronic illness and disability. People love fixer-upper stories, miracle cures and answers but many wake up each day without any of these. Our world needs more models for how to live a meaningful, unfixed life - a life liberated from fixed notions of how we must feel in order to live fully. Unfixed humans may be in pain but they are learning to integrate it into a larger definition of themselves. The Unfixed portfolio of projects demonstrates that living well is not about eradicating our wounds and weaknesses but understanding how they complete our identities and equip us to help others. Current programming includes the Unfixed Mind mini-series, Unfixed docu-series, Unfixed Focus, Life Rebalanced Chronicles, MS Confidential, Long Haul Voices, the Unfixed podcast, ICU podcast, the Liberation of Being memoir, and the documentary film Why We Matter. Unfixed : Unsung and Unbound are now in production and will be released in 2025 along with founder Kimberly Warner’s much anticipated memoir Unfixed, published by Empress Editions. PREORDER the memoir TODAY!


current productions

Unfixed : Unsung - short film representing LGBTQ+ individuals

Long Haul Voices - 3-part limited series with Long Covid and ME/CFS patients

ICU (“I See You”) Podcast - conversations between patients and health care providers

MS Confidential - monthly webcast

Why We Matter - feature documentary in production

Unbound - short dance film with ME/CFS and Long Covid patients

Unfixed Mind - 4-part limited series with people with mental health diagnoses

Unfixed - award-winning doc-series, 21 episodes with a diversity of unfixed patients

Life Rebalanced Chronicles - award-winning series, 3 seasons with vestibular patients

Unfixed Focus - intimate profiles from the community

The Unfixed Podcast - conversations between patients living with different diagnoses


Unfixed Media Productions is a self-funded labor-of-love. We are continuously looking for sustainable sponsorships, grants, tax-deductible donations and individual project funding. If you or anyone you know can help keep this important work alive, please share or donate. Thank you.


how unfixed began

Unfixed Media Productions started with 20 incredible people who were willing to share their stories with us. They are all in various stages of living with chronic conditions and disability. Some are living with the aftermath of a cerebral stroke, others are struggling with autoimmune disease, terminal illness or daily, debilitating migraines. Beginning February 2020, they began creating self-recorded videos once a month to reflect on specific topics that address what it’s like living with chronic illness. Their honest, unpolished moments are at the heart of the unfixed state - the highs, the lows and everything in between. As the community grows to include cast members from other Unfixed programming, new episodes are created - drawing from the diverse pool of diagnoses, backgrounds and stories.

Unfixed content can be viewed on The Disorder Channel (accessible with Roku and Amazon Fire), The Journal of Health Design, and the Unfixed Community YouTube Channel.


what people are saying

The Unfixed docu-series was the most compelling film I've seen since Crip Camp. They invite us into a world where pain and self-doubt live together with grace and courage. I felt a profound connection to the unfixed community, who embrace their vulnerability and share their stories.

- Gustavo Serafini - entrepreneur, Enabled Disabled podcast host

I feel grateful for the opportunity to hear the voices of the people who have conditions that are not fixable. I think every medical student and nursing student should see this film.

- Dr. Bonnie Reagan - retired physician

I am blown away by the relentless humanity from all of your contributors, by the passion and restraint of your voice as you present your/their stories to the world, and by the power these people and stories blast into cyber space now that you have created a portal. What you are doing is beyond authentic and important. And it can be hard to achieve either of those things most days.

- Kevin Costello, film director

This work makes us all feel like we are still important in the world. While we sit back and feel lonely and lost and hurting and suffering in silence, somehow Unfixed comes along and some of that black and grey turns a little more pink and purple and orange and hopeful.

- Steve Schwier - vestibular patient, cast member in Life Rebalanced Chronicles

What you are doing is so creative, powerful and effective. You are putting patients at the centre of healthcare - where they belong.

- Dr. Moyez Jiwa - Associate Dean and professor of Health Innovation at the Melbourne Clinical School, University of Notre Dame

This work is truly original; I don’t know of anyone who has gone so deeply into the experience and wisdom of living ‘unfixed.”   It goes against everything our culture has trained us to do, but leads to a more rewarding way of living.

- Sara Davidson - best-selling author, journalist and screenwriter

To all in this unfixed series—your courage is inspiring beyond words; your sincerity surely opens every heart and mind this film meets; your vulnerability could move mountains; and your tender care for one another feels from this side of the camera, like family. I am made more human by having watched you all share and reflect.

- Renée Eli, Ph.D. - contemplative scholar, phenomenological philosopher of consciousness studies

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